Apr 16, · Othello, an African Moor of noble birth, is just such a character and held the highest ranking military position as Governor-General of Cyprus. We will write a custom essay on Othello William Shakespeare Tragedy specifically for you for only $ $/page5/5(1) Compared with these strict rules, Shakespeare's tragedy is a more relaxed genre, but Othello much more than, for example, the sprawling Hamlet, observes the spirit of Aristotle. Othello, apart from Act I in Venice, is located entirely within the fortress at Cyprus Sep 29, · Othello is one of the characters who have features in William Shakespeare’s tragedy titled The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. The tragedy is believed to have been created by Shakespeare between and The story has it focus set in current day Italy. It looks at downfall of Othello through involving three other major characters
Who is to blame for the tragedy of Othello? Free Essay Example
Legendary playmakers, othello tragedy essay, such as Aristotle and Sophocles, held an influential position in the history of theatrical performances. In creating works like Oedipus the King, such experts seemingly knew how to intertwine human emotion with the actions of the narrative.
This prowess eventually adopted by other artists led to the creation of some of the greatest plays in history.
Interestingly, most of these plays entailed a protagonist, covered in splendor and valor throughout the play. The lead character often gained high societal approval, and nothing could seemingly bring them down. A twist in the tale, othello tragedy essay, however, unleashes a tragedy to the protagonist, bringing the character down to their knees; such is an Aristotelian tragedy.
This article seeks to analyze the position of language and knowledge in such a tragic play to unravel the undisputed role of words in building up such an Aristotelian tragedy. Surely, words and patterns of speech reveal the true intentions of the author to fulfilling the aim and moral lessons of the play.
Othello represents such an Aristotelian tragedy intertwined by the mere words of the characters. Language perhaps accomplishes the most re-assuring role in preparing and asserting the position othello tragedy essay the protagonist for a fall. Othello plots to kill his lover Desdemona over allegations passed to him by his ensign Iago, othello tragedy essay. The only piece of evidence to support the allegations is a handkerchief given to Desdemona by Othello.
Most significant in Aristotelian tragedies is the seemingly invincible nature of the protagonist, crumbled by small flaws in personality. Shakespeare uses linguistics to unveil the hidden, jealous, and, gullible nature of Othello. At first, Othello describes the handkerchief that Iago wants to steal, as a magical idol gifted to him by his mother who got it from an Egyptian oracle. In the first description Othello makes, othello tragedy essay, the handkerchief belonged to his mother othello tragedy essay had magical powers that subdued his father.
The handkerchief loses its magical powers in the second description. Othello says it othello tragedy essay to his father, who passed it to his mother. The first description of the handkerchief assesses the emotional value and power of the handkerchief as a symbol; signifying its role in holding the relationship in question in place.
If the handkerchief had magical powers and forbidden to be gifted or given away; then Desdemona would have committed a great transgression by bestowing it upon Cassio. Even Othello himself knew deep within that Desdemona would not present the othello tragedy essay to another. To fulfill his role as the protagonist in the Aristotelian tragedy, Othello disregards the importance of the handkerchief in his final description in Act 5, dismissing his heroic and invincible perspective held by the audience.
Another significant aspect of Aristotelian tragedies is the feature of self-realization in othello tragedy essay actions of the protagonist, othello tragedy essay. The above-mentioned passages about the handkerchief also illustrate how Othello lacks self-realization, until the very end. The piece of evidence against Desdemona, that was provided falsely, hindered Othello from the self-realization of the impending mistake.
Othello received the letter from Cassio, containing the details of the plot to bring him down; achieving self-realization. Overwhelmingly, Shakespeare employs the creative use of knowledge, words, and, language to creatively plot the course of the Aristotelian tragedy.
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Video SparkNotes: Shakespeare's Othello summary
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Jun 01, · In the play, Othello, there are many people that can be blamed for all the death and tragedy that happened, such as Iago as he caused all the lies to start and created a conspiracy himself. However, I also think that all the characters in some way contributed to all the tragedy and they all played some part in fuelling the blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Apr 16, · Othello, an African Moor of noble birth, is just such a character and held the highest ranking military position as Governor-General of Cyprus. We will write a custom essay on Othello William Shakespeare Tragedy specifically for you for only $ $/page5/5(1) Othello Tragedy Essay Words | 7 Pages Othello is a play written by William Shakespeare in It is believed that is was inspired and based on the “Un Capitano Moro” (a Moorish Captain) by the Italian writer Cinthio
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