Aug 31, · Animal cruelty happens because there are individuals who see animals as not deserving of respect as sentient beings. Poachers in the jungles hunt wild animals for money and for the fun of it. Different companies test on different animals products that need to be experimented on before being approved to be safe for human consumption Nov 11, · 10 Lines on Cruelty to Animals Essay in English 1. Cruelty to animals is the poor and violent treatment towards them. 2. Animal cruelty often leads to painful life and painful death of the creatures. 3. Animal cruelty is a punishable offence, but it is exclusive. 4. Cruelty towards animals is Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Short Essay on Animal Cruelty. Article shared by. All living things have a right to live on this Earth but, we, very often become, totally, insensitive to their pain, only because animals can’t speak the language of humans, they don’t have a voice. When God created this planet he had a specific purpose for all living things and He did so to strike a balance in his blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
Cruelty Towards Animals Free Essay Sample
As humankind has progressed, there has been an increase in governance and rules and regulations of everyday life. These governance and rules rise from general disgust over happenings and concepts all over the world. One such rapidly growing concept is animal cruelty.
Animal cruelty simply means cruel unwarranted treatment of animals. Such treatment generally has a single point program — to subject animals and sometimes pets to unnecessary harm and pain. One major type of animal cruelty is torture.
Animal cruelty is a ambiguous term and the terminology depends from region to region, state to state and country to country. The definition of animal cruelty may be anything between comprehensive and non-existent.
While animal cruelty amongst individuals may either be existent in a lesser manner or go largely unnoticed and unnoticed informed, it is various institutes like companies and involved in factory farming, fur farming and animal testing who are accused of animal cruelty either majorly due to neglect. Other than these, other institutes where animal cruelty is thought to be rampant [Flourishing or spreading unchecked} is the entertainment industry, especially the circus and film industry, cruelty towards animals essay.
Cruelty towards animals essay circus industry is said to have rampant cruelty towards animals. Countries like Sweden, Costa Rica, Austria, Finland, India, and Singapore have come forward and banned or restricted the use of animals in circuses. In a recent report, People For Ethical Treatment of Animals PETA have come out with embarrassing facts about the circus lives of animals. According to their reports, various prominent circuses do not practice what they preach and indulge in animal cruelty on a routine basis, cruelty towards animals essay.
No institute or individual looks after the training sessions of the circuses. Tight collars, whips, beatings and torture are the order of the day for the animals of the circus.
All this is possible only by extreme training, which may translate into extreme torture. The animals in circuses are also routinely and dangerously exposed to various diseases. In some cases, cruelty towards animals essay, they were not provided with basic medical first aid.
Tuberculosis is seen as a major disease for the elephants in circuses. Some instances show that the elephants were not treated medically cruelty towards animals essay wounds inflicted during beatings and other natural causes. Circuses have known to keep a large amount of topsoil ready, to camouflage the wounds and the blood on the elephants.
Some elephants have also suffered from lameness, arthritis and food abscesses. Elephant deaths in circuses are commonly caused due to osteoporosis. Elephants suffer cruelty towards animals essay Osteoporosis simply because they do not have wide spaces to move around. Due to the inhumane treatments, cruelty towards animals essay, it has been proved that circus animals are dying at a higher rate than they are breeding.
Though the movie waded in troubled waters ever since it was released, it was proven than at least six animals, a muskrat, a pig, a monkey, a snake, a turtle and a large spider were killed for the sake of the film.
It has been said that the scene depicting the monkey had to shot twice, and therefore, two monkeys were sacrificed for movie realism. Cruelty to animals or animal abuse is the infliction of suffering or harm upon non-human animals, for purposes other than self-defense. More narrowly, it can be harm for specific gain, such cruelty towards animals essay killing animals for food or for their fur.
Diverging viewpoints are held by jurisdictions throughout the world. Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to the issue. The animal welfare position holds that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for human purposes, such as food, clothing, entertainment, and research, but that it should be done in a humane way that minimizes unnecessary pain and suffering. Laws concerning animal cruelty are designed to prevent needless cruelty to animals, rather than killing for other aims such as food, or they concern species not eaten as food in the country involved, such as those regarded as pets, cruelty towards animals essay.
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Animal Cruelty Speech
, time: 2:46Animals Cruelty is Unnecessary Suffering Free Essay Example

Cruelty To Animals Essay words 3 page(s) Somewhat paradoxically, many people feel perfectly fine watching funny videos of cats, dogs, and other animals while eating a steak for dinner even though this involves emphasizing some animals while calmly consuming dead bodies of other animals Aug 31, · Animal cruelty happens because there are individuals who see animals as not deserving of respect as sentient beings. Poachers in the jungles hunt wild animals for money and for the fun of it. Different companies test on different animals products that need to be experimented on before being approved to be safe for human consumption Nov 11, · 10 Lines on Cruelty to Animals Essay in English 1. Cruelty to animals is the poor and violent treatment towards them. 2. Animal cruelty often leads to painful life and painful death of the creatures. 3. Animal cruelty is a punishable offence, but it is exclusive. 4. Cruelty towards animals is Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
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