Thursday, May 20, 2021

Coming to america essay

Coming to america essay

coming to america essay

Coming to America affected my family and me in some bad ways and some good ways. How much I missed my extended family and friends in the beginning! The people I used to see everyday were not near anymore. All of the coffee dates after school and the Sep 14,  · Personal Narrative: Coming To America. Topics: High school, College, Education Pages: 3 ( words) Published: September 14, My life changed in a blink of an eye, the moment I turned sixteen years old. My parents decided, that it was better for my future that I finish high school in America. I was thrilled, but at the same time I knew coming to America meant starting over Coming to America is a fictional film about a prince seeking for true love while Rain in Dry Land is a documentary portrays the refugees’ lives in the America. Therefore, those two movies have fundamentally different topics and themes. In Coming to America, Akeem

Immigrants coming to the united states essay

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Assessment There was a lady that got sick on the boat and in order to keep us all safe from her the captain had to let her off in the middle of the sea!

It was very unexpected but I stayed tough with my lucky Irish blood and made it here. I do miss Ireland very much and wish I could be back there but I know if I want to get rich I have to push myself.

How has it been at home so far Patrick? I know my family is happy that we were able to escape from the famine. I hope that the potatoes start to grow because I would love to hear good news from you very soon. The countless hours of sitting and looking at the dirty floors can haunt your mind and may lead to going insane. But I was so happy when we finally arrived it was the greatest sight I have ever seen!

When I arrived I was questioned on my family and my beliefs. Thankfully the official let me through to the next Coming to America full of hope People sacrifice everything just to come to America and live a better life, but coming to america essay still often struggle once they get here.

Most immigrants have hard time to assimilate into an American culture, which I myself can relate to. She had a tough time to assimilate into an American culture due to the language barrier and her Asian background.

Her Life in America was completely different; she was living a decent life in Korea. However the brutal thing for her was facing poverty after being wealthy, but she had no choice but to adjust accordingly. Her lifestyle has completely changed now she has to do her homework by herself with no helpshe has to take public transportation to school instead of being driven by a chauffeur, she has to live in old house Coming to America Narrative Essay College Writing I My name is Angela S.

Baez, and you can call me Angela. I am from the Dominican Republic. In this essay I would like to tell you a story coming to america essay my experience in coming to the USA. I was very happy when I found out my daughter and I received full residency status from the USA. We would be moving to New York City Sometimes, I felt nervous, because it was my first time to go to another coming to america essay, which used a different language than my country. I also had to leave my family for a long time.

However, I tried to keep strong and calm. I knew it was a good choice to move to the U. We departed from my hometown Montecristi to Santo Domingo on April 12, at a, coming to america essay. I went by and got there four hours later. In the airport, we went to the American Airlines counter and checked in for my daughter and me.

We went through security. It was really empty because it was very early. After that we went to our gate. We walked around the airport and took a seat to wait for a while. I took my daughter to a cafeteria to eat some food and a soda. We were very early so we had time to walk. Two hours later, we went back to the gate to board the coming to america essay. I am sure that my daughter had no idea what was going on, and luckily she was a very quiet child, so I was not nervous, coming to america essay.

On the plane, I found our seats and sat down and buckled our seat belts. I had never been on a plane before. When I Coming to America Imagine this, living in a very small town; with only one store where you can make and receive phone calls, there are no public phones, no residential phone lines, no electricity and no running water.

The roads are not paved until you get to the main road where people travel the most. The next town is about thirty minutes away, coming to america essay, and there is only one bus that comes to this small town once a week, so people can go shopping and do other things, coming to america essay. In this small town there are hardly any vehicles, people either walk, bike, or ride donkeys. There are hardly any jobs and so the only thing you can do is to leave for another place and look for a job to support your family, coming to america essay.

If someone told you that there was a place where people had many opportunities to find work and make better money, would you go?

For many people in Mexico, this is a question that gets asked occasionally. America has always been known as the land of promise and a place where prosperity flourishes. Unfortunately, America is one of the only places where such opportunity exists, making it a very attractive place to live, coming to america essay. There are three major reasons why illegal immigrants are leaving Mexico for the United States.

First is the lack of job opportunities in Mexico. Second is the lack of adequate standard living conditions. Third is the low level of education that is provided in Mexico. A country with slightly more thansquare miles in Mark Miller Dr.

Martin Lecker PDA 18 October Coming to america essay to America I am from German decent; I was born and raised in America a land made up of different creeds and races.

This diversity is what makes us a superpower. Although, it seems that all new immigrants, do get the jobs nobody else coming to america essay. Our country is still a land of opportunity regardless of whom or where you came from. Any person with good work ethics and a little luck will succeed in what they do. I have chosen Levi Strauss, who was German born, uneducated, become not only successful, but a humanitarian as well, which I admired the most.

Germany is a country in Europe with a population of 82, covering an area ofsquare miles. It is mostly dominated with Protestants, Roman Catholic, and other Christians, with some Islam. Germany like all countries in Europe had its tarnished and its shining moments. The lowest point in German history was when Adolf Hitler became chancellor, and started World War II. Hitler was responsible for the methodical murder of coming to america essay million Jews and millions of others.

After the war Germany was divided in half the east and the west. The east side was under communist control. The west side became a parliamentary democracy. The citizen on the east side did not want to live under communist rule, so they started moving to the west side.

Little did they no they ended up being the first Europeans to explore the New World. Once the New World was discovered, more and more explorers continued to venture out to this New World, coming to america essay. The European explorers kept on coming back to the New World for wealth, an increased amount of power in Europe, to spread the Christian religion, and many more.

The arrival of the Europeans impacted the lives of Native Americans in negative ways, the natives died from disease the Europeans brought, were turned into slaves, coming to america essay had to assimilate to new land. Although there were many negative effects of their arrival there were positive impacts as well such as the exchange of resources. The Europeans changed the Native American ways of life forever.

One of the reasons the Europeans came to the new World was to acquire gold. Nicolas Le Challeux who sailed from France in stated this country was rich in gold Document 2. Due to the fact that coming to america essay was the primary goal to conquistadors, Pizarro and Cortes came to the New World in order to conquer gold filled land.

Pizarro and Cortes specifically went to the Aztec and Inca empires because the temples were made of gold. According to the graph entitled, Exports of Gold and Silver from the New World to Spain, it was very clear that within these years,much gold was My life changed in a blink of an eye, the moment I turned sixteen years old. My parents decided, that it was better for my future that I finish high school in America.

I was thrilled, but at the same time I knew coming to America meant starting over. Leaving my country, coming to america essay, my family, my friends, and my culture was the hardest thing I had to do in my life.

Coming to america essay living two years away from parents, now I can say that the sacrifice was worth it. Being in a new cultural setting can be intimidating at first, but is also very exciting. Living in America gave me an opportunity to develop new strengths, and abilities.

Starting a life in a foreign country is very difficult. But I have learned that the key to succeed is adapting, coming to america essay. I had to adapt to a new family, new people, new culture, and a new school. The first time I arrived to Framingham, coming to america essay, everything was new to me. The first thing I had to change was my way of greeting others. Back coming to america essay Peru when people greet others, people give a kiss on the cheek. When I met my host mother, coming to america essay, I tried greeting her the same way, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Later on I learned to give a handshake instead. I had to adapt to a new form of greeting, in order to blend in. One of the greatest challenges I coming to america essay to coming to america essay was language.

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, time: 2:51

Free Essays on My Move to America

coming to america essay

Coming to America affected my family and me in some bad ways and some good ways. How much I missed my extended family and friends in the beginning! The people I used to see everyday were not near anymore. All of the coffee dates after school and the Coming To America. Good Essays. Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Stepping out of my first plane ride, I experience an epiphany of new culture, which seems to me as a whole new world. Buzzing around my ears are conversations in an unfamiliar language that intrigues me. It then struck me that after twenty hours of a seemingly perpetual plane ride that I finally arrived in The United States of America, Coming To America Essay Words | 3 Pages Transitions are never an easy thing to conquer. It is often hard and stressful to cope with changes to one’s surrounding, but in the cases in which one manages to conquer this obstacle, elevation of knowledge and experience are great results gained from this achievement

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