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Influence of DNA Methylation on Determining Cellular Phenotype and its Usefulness as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Detecting Prostate Cancer. Cell Cycle Modulations during Hepatitis C Virus Associated Disease Progression. A comparative Study of the Performance of Primary School Teachers Training Through Allama Iqbal Open University and Formal System in AJK Primary Schools. An Evaluative Study of Non Formal and Adult Literacy Centres of Balochistan and Development of an Action Plan for the Period Upto A Study of Relationship of Self Concept with Class Room Environment, rashid ahmad pakistan phd dissertation, Gender Role, Cognitive Development and Academic Achievement of the Students at Secondary Level.
Comparative Effectiveness of Teacher Training in Enhancing the Professional Attitudes of B. Students Admitted In Institute of Education and Research NWFP College of Education Islamabad and Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. Comparative Effectiveness of Teaching English Grammar with the Help of Textbook and by Using Group Work Activities.
Development of Model for Instructional Design in Distance Education at AIOU. Effectiveness of Educational Technology for Promoting Special Education in Pakistan. Role of Radio for Rural Education in Pakistan — A Critical Review of Strategies. A Study of the Effects of Parental Socio-Economic Status on the Disciplined Behaviour of their Adolescent Children Studding in Secondary Rashid ahmad pakistan phd dissertation. A Study of Emerging Technologies and their Impact on Teaching Learning Process.
Evaluation of the Internal Efficiency of Allama Iqbal Open University System and Developing a Strategic Model. A Comparative Study of Disparity in Urban Rural Education at Elementary Level in NWFP and Development of an Action Plan Pharmacological Basis for the Medicinal Use of Berberis Vulgaris and Bergenia ligulata in Urolithiasis.
The Relationship between the Public and Print Media Agendas on National Issues in Pakistan. A Study of the Agenda Setting Role of Print Media in Pakistan.
Developing a Computer Based Instructional Material Model for Teacher Training at Allama Iqbal Open University. Evaluation of Student Support Facilities Provided by the Regional Offices of Allama Iqbal Open University. Developent of a Model for Student Support Services Allama Iqbal Open University. The Role of Radio for Rural Education in Pakistan: A Critical Review of Strategies.
Evaluating the Internal Efficiency of Allama Iqbal Open University System and Developing a Strategic Model. Cost Effectiveness Comparison of Distance Education in Indonesia, Bangla Desh and Pakistan. Development a Computer Based Instructional Material Model for Teacher training at Allama Iqbal Open University. A Study of Development of Broadcast and Non- Broadcast Programmes for Education.
Development of a Distance Education Model for Enhancement of Literacy in Pakistan. An Investigation into the Nature and Treatment of Learning Difficulities of Distance Learners at Intermediate Level.
A studyon the Effect of Status on the Discliplined behaviour of their Adolescent Children Studing in Secondary Classes. Implementation of Devolution Plan in Education Sector in Pakistan Variations Across Provinces and Districts. Effectiveness of Government Plans and Policies for Universal Primary Education in Pakistan. A Comparative Study of Disparity in Urban Rural Education at Elementary level in NWFP and Development of an Action Plan A Comparative Study of the Performance of Primary School Teachers Trained through Allama Iqbal Open University and formal System in AJK Primary Schools.
An Evaluative Study of Non-Formal and Adult Literacy Centres of Balochistan and Development of an Action Plan for the Period upto A Study of Relationship of Cognitive Styles with Gender,Social Class and Students Academic Achievement at Elementary Level. The Ideas and Objectives of NGOs Working in Pakistan for the Promotion of Education - An Analytical and Comparative Study in Light of Islam. Aspects of Mysticism in the Tafseer of Imam Isme'al Haqqi i. Urdu Hukmay Mughrib Kay Nazria Khair o Shesar Ka Mutaligha Quran Ki Roshni Ma.
Urdu Ahdees Al Ahkham Ma Tawater Amali Ka Tehqiqi Mutaliha Almuta Aur Almadona Ki Roshni Ma. Urdu Dustoor Pakistan Ki Islami Difat Tutbeeq Kay Tees Sal Intizami Aur Adalati Decisions Kay Tanazir Ma.
Urdu Ehaid Banouamia Ma Ilim Hadees Ki Tarweijh Wa Ishat Aur is Per Ho Nay Wali Itrazat Ka Tehqiqi Jaiza. Three Hundred Selected Letters of Allama Iqbal with PrefaceFootnote and Annotation. Urdu Farsi Kay Mashoor Shary Asaleeb Aur Alama Iqbal Ka Farsi Shary Asloob. Analysis of Zone of Proximal Development ZPD In Graduate Teacher Training Programme of Allama Iqbal Open University and Development of a Strategy to Achieve ZPD Incidence using DELPHI Techniques, rashid ahmad pakistan phd dissertation.
Perception of Life and Works of Allama Iqbal in Pakisani English Journalism. A Survey of the English Dailies.
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