Sunday, August 1, 2021

Professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential

Professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential

professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential

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Most teaching is going remote. Will that help or hurt online learning?

Because of COVID, most professors and students suddenly find themselves forced to use technology as they teach and learn. A panel of experts explores whether that will help or hurt attitudes about online education. Welcome to "Transforming Teaching and Learning," a column that explores how colleges and professors are reimagining how they teach and how students learn.

If you'd like to receive the free "Transforming Teaching and Learning" newsletter, please sign up here. That all may still be true, but the new reality is that COVID is increasingly dominating not just our collective head professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential in ways helpful and not but also what our jobs are day to day. That's especially the case in certain realms, including for those of you responsible for helping to deliver instruction and learning at your institutions.

So today, at least -- next week seems very far away at this point -- this column will focus on a question that is generating a good bit of discussion among thoughtful observers of teaching and learning issues: What impact will this sudden, forced immersion and experimentation with technology-enabled forms of learning have on the status of online learning in higher education?

Below, 11 experts share their thoughts on how the explosion of remote learning -- much of which may be primitive and of dubious quality -- could affect attitudes and impressions of a mode of learning that already struggles to gain widespread faculty and student support.

The prospect of hundreds of thousands of professors and students venturing into academic cyberspace for the first time has prompted some commentators to take to social media to predict that this period could alter the landscape long term for online education. Every student is going to be receiving education online. And the resistance to online education is going to go away as a practical matter," James N.

Bradley, chief information officer at Texas's Trinity University, wrote in a LinkedIn post. Goldie Blumenstyk, my friend and former colleague at The Chronicle of Higher Educationwent so far as to suggest that the coronavirus could be a "black swan" moment -- "more of a catalyst for online education and other ed-tech tools than decades of punditry and self-serving corporate exhortations. The ' black swan ,' that unforeseen event that changes everything, is upon us. That's surely possible -- but a very different outcome seems at least as likely.

Surely professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential of the professors who will be venturing into virtual education for professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential first time because of COVID will be going online with the sort of high-quality immersive courses that the best online learning providers offer. But much of the remote instruction that many professors experimenting outside the physical classroom for the first time will be offering to their students will be nothing more than videoconferenced lectures supplemented by emailed assessments.

That raises tons of issues, from how instructors and colleges treat student grades to how institutions treat student evaluations of professors. But in today's column a collection of sharp and thoughtful analysts answer a more fundamental question: Will forced exposure to and experimentation with various forms of technology-enabled learning lead professors and students to view online education more favorably -- or less so?

In short order, hundreds of colleges have announced in the last week that because of health concerns related to COVID, they are ending in-person classes and moving all instruction to virtual settings.

Many of them are taking advantage of and in some cases extending spring breaks and other cessations of coursework to prepare for the shift, and it will be some time before professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential can really tell what forms of learning the institutions will adopt during this period.

Several commentators have hypothesized that this time of emergency adoption and experimentation will speed up the adoption and embrace of online and other forms of technology-enabled learning.

That is one scenario. Do you believe the end result recognizing that it may be some time before we can judge will be more professors believing in the quality of online learning and wanting to incorporate the best of what it can do into their teaching, a blurring of the distinction between online and in-person and a closing of the perceived quality gap? Do you think it could produce greater skepticism about the efficacy of technology-enabled learning, either because the experience for instructors and students alike will be substandard, or because institutions will not sufficiently prepare their instructors to teach in these new ways?

Or do you envision some other outcome? And lastly: What can institutions and individual instructors can do to ensure a better rather than worse outcome? Deb Adair, professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential, executive director, professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential, Quality Matters. Our community is at the epicenter of the current emergency remote-teaching disruption. Leadership will make all the difference.

The campus units supporting online education are often underresourced in the best of times, lacking the institutional investment needed to achieve quality online professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential at scale. The COVID response makes this worse, not better. Instructional designers and online faculty are professionals stepping up in a moment that highlights the expertise they bring, knowing that it is their time, energy and talent that can make all the difference for their students.

Nobody thinks this is the way online education should be done. Victory during the pandemic will not include the development of high-quality online education. Victory looks like this:. Any suggestion that this is the time to evaluate the efficacy of online education is more than absurd. Shelve the debates about the role of faculty and of online education. Focus on problem solving now, not the future of higher education.

Kelvin Bentley, vice president of learning strategy, Six Red Marbles. It has been interesting reading about the many colleges and universities that have decided to shift on-campus instruction to a remote teaching model.

There is always a chance that some faculty who have been resistant to using technology to facilitate their teaching will be more likely to embrace their newer teaching practices over time. This will be a more likely outcome if colleges and universities are vigilant in helping faculty learn about and actively use the instructional technology tools available to help students be successful in their courses.

It will be important for institutions to encourage students to share their feedback weekly about the learning experiences their instructors are shaping for them using technology. When faculty can put their teaching egos aside and use negative student feedback to improve their remote teaching practices, students will benefit and hopefully faculty will, too, because they will learn how best to meet the learning needs of their students.

This will be a more likely outcome if colleges and universities are vigilant in helping faculty learn about and actively use the instructional technology tools available to help. Besides faculty adapting their style of teaching, institutions will need to have clear plans about how they will provide certain services to students.

Such services include advising, professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential, proctoring, tutoring. Fully online versions of such services might exist to support current online students, but professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential will have to ensure that all students have access. This can be challenging to achieve, given some online services such as proctoring and tutoring are based upon actual student use, which can overwhelm some school budgets that are not already inclusive of such services across all students.

It will be important for institutions to carefully evaluate their remote teaching strategies across all courses after the COVID crisis subsides.

Institutions will need to use postmortem feedback from both their students and faculty to improve their contingency plans and how they prepare students and faculty to engage in remote learning and teaching, respectively, professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential, when institutions have to close due to a crisis.

It will also be important for institutions to update their existing plans yearly and discuss how such professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential can be improved upon based upon available research on how best to use technology to positively impact student learning. Jody Greene, associate vice provost for teaching and learning, dean, Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning, and professor of literature, University of California, Santa Cruz, professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential.

Instructors in higher education settings have been practicing social distancing and self-isolation since universities were founded in the Middle Ages. One of the most remarkable dimensions of this moment is that even as we move en masse to teach remotely, we are also for the first time beginning to move en masse to thinking about teaching collectively. Anyone even minimally involved in teaching or supporting teaching at a college or university has over the past week witnessed a quiet revolution though one with many keystrokesin which instructors have turned to teaching centers and instructional design units, as well as to colleagues, professional organizations, social media and internet search engines, to learn together about a range of digital tools they will need to use to teach remotely and about the design consequences of those choices.

Once these tools have been identified and selected, each is going to require some wildly creative pedagogy to be genuinely useful for instruction. Since we are not designing courses from scratch to be taken fully online with self-paced learning, professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential, we are unlikely to learn much of use from this exercise about the pros or the cons of online education.

However, we will learn a great deal about hybrid modes of instruction and about ways to make selective practices, such as prerecorded lectures or message board-style discussions, effective tools for learning.

Professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential the end of the day, professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential, those of us who have hesitated to use any technological tools in our teaching because the learning curve feels too steep will have been forced to consider and actively engage with a range of digital options from lecture capture to peer editing in Google Docs and practices from flexible attendance policies to contract grading that have been touted by proponents of universal design and considered off the table by many instructors until now.

If I had to put money on the single genuinely revolutionary effect of the Great Remote Learning Hack ofit would be the fact that instructors finally understand that teaching is something they can engage in as a collective activity, an activity that is more pleasurable and much more intellectually interesting when we participate in it in the company of others.

But if I had to put money on the single genuinely revolutionary effect of the Great Remote Learning Hack ofit would be the fact that instructors finally understand that teaching is something they can engage in as a collective activity, an activity that is more pleasurable and much more intellectually interesting when we participate in it in the company of others.

No hand washing required. Michael Horn, head of strategy at Entangled Group and author of Choosing CollegeJossey Bass. On the surface, this sounds like the classic opportunity for disruptive innovation to take root. Those classes are canceled. Now the alternative is nothing at all. The theory of disruptive innovation predicts that primitive services take root in areas where all they have to beat is nonconsumption. From there, fueled by a technology enabler, they improve and, over time, become capable of tackling more complicated problems and serving more demanding users.

That's the opportunity online learning now has in front of it. But because many schools did not have such plans in place and do not have great infrastructure or resources to build good online courses rapidly, online learning is about to get a bad reputation at many campuses, I suspect.

After all, disruptive innovations start as primitive and then improve. When disruptive innovations plant themselves among nonconsumers, they are typically people who lack the expertise or money to use the dominant products or services in a market. If the interruption of traditional classes is temporary and business as usual resumes in the fall, I doubt that students and their parents who have experienced poorly constructed, hastily built online courses by faculty, many of whom know little about the science of teaching and learning to begin with, will look back fondly on those online experiences and then wonder why it is that they had ever dragged themselves to class to begin with.

So if that's the worst outcome, what should institutions do to prevent that? Outside of marshaling all their resources to provide faculty -- and students without internet connectivity -- the support they need to teach and learn online, I think there are a few principles to follow. First, wherever possible, create active learning experiences -- ones in which there is synchronous communication, required class sessions, frequent opportunities for students to answer questions and defend answers, debate their peers, tackle problems, and the like.

Zoom or Shindig might be suitable technologies for that, but schools should also investigate using Minerva's active learning platform, for example. Second, remember that online learning isn't about putting the faculty member front and center like the MOOCs did.

That means that teaching certain concepts might not be best accomplished through lecture-capture technologies, but instead by showing a multimedia clip, something from Khan Academy, a brief simulation, or -- heaven forbid -- by letting students teach each other.

As professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential cobble together resources, also remember this: don't overload students' working memory with lots of auditory and visual effects. Keep the medium simple and engaging. Third, start classes and lessons with a thought-provoking question or paradox, and then weave a story together to help illustrate the lesson.

Students learn best when they have a puzzle that they want to resolve, and we retain ideas through compelling stories. I'd say the best-case scenario out of this crisis for online learning is that more students realize there are universities -- like WGU and SNHU -- that do online learning well, and that faculty on more traditional campuses don't hate the experience and then, as universities put in place more robust disaster-preparedness plans for the professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential, they are able to improve on their primitive professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential. Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO, Coursera.

With more than million students disrupted due to the spread of COVID, we are experiencing a watershed moment for education systems around the world. It tragically illustrates the need for higher ed institutions to build a technological backbone and digital competency to weather this crisis and to enter a new era of teaching and learning in a digital world.

While most educational institutions have not traditionally invested in online education as a core aspect of their learner experience, the tide began to change a few years ago with top universities committing to build fully digital academic experiences.

The current crisis will accelerate this trend. Though challenging, it is going to be a period of forced experimentation for universities around the world -- akin to what we witnessed during the Y2K crisis that compelled institutions to upgrade their technical infrastructure.

The current state of technology and platform choices will make it easier for universities to deliver a high-quality online learning experience. Had the crisis occurred a decade ago, it would have crippled the system. But we now have extensive broadband access, reliable communications tools, user-friendly videoconferencing and widespread smartphone adoption, professionally writing college admissions essay college confidential.

And over the past eight years, leading professors from top universities have authored thousands of highly rated online courses that are now available to both individuals and institutions, including other higher ed institutions. Any college or university can use these online courses as a new type of digital, interactive textbook.

As universities develop their own digital competencies, what has started as a short-term response to a crisis will likely become an enduring digital transformation of higher education. The pandemic requires universities to rapidly offer online learning.

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