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My country essay

My country essay

my country essay

Mar 02,  · For writing an essay on my country, you would need to take care of certain things in points like; why I love my beloved country, my country is my pride, my passion for my country, my homeland paragraph, love for motherland etc. The place where you are born and grown up takes the place of your country My Country Essay Essay on My Country -Introduction: With the passage of time and a century every nation” changes to some extent. The country achieves success or makes itself developed through working hard in a very much planned and practical way. Coping with time and century, we have already entered a new millennium Jul 20,  · My country Essay Here at Takshila Learning, we provide School Online Classes from Preschool to Class 12 for all subjects. We provide the best online tuition classes for Class 1 to 12th Class and other classes that comprise Animated Video lectures and Live Online Classes that will help students to grasp concepts easily

Essay on My Country- Suitable for all students | Ontaheen

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. There is no one in the world who does not love his, or her motherland, my country essay. Even birds adore their nests. Being humans, we all treasure our countries. Additionally, all want to my country essay for their countries in each role.

Like everyone, I am dare of my country. The name of my country is the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, commonly shortened to Myanmar. It lies between latitudes 9° and my country essay East. Myanmar is my country essay independent and member nation of ASEAN Community.

It is bordered by Bangladesh, India, my country essay, China, Laos and Thailand. It has about miles of contiguous coastline along the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. It is also a populated country as its population is over 51 millions. Myanmar is situated in Dry Zone. But, it has fine climate all year. It is not too hot in summer, and too cold in the winter.

It is colder in the north part than in the south part. And, the central part is fairly dry. In the north part of the country, many mountains form the border with China. Khakaborazi, located in Kachin State, at an elevation of feet, is the highest point in Myanmar, as well as, in Southeast Asia.

Furthermore, there are many mountain ranges, such as the Rakhine Yoma, the Bago Yoma and the Shan Hills. Most of them run north-to-south. There are also many rivers. Among them, it is Ayeyarwaddy River that is the longest river in Myanmar. So it is also a major business of exporting the timber, and wood products. Myanmar is divided into seven states and seven regions. About different ethnic groups live in those states and regions in unity and peace. Most of its people are Bamars and they are My country essay and some are other religions, Christians, Hindus and Islam.

People live in the country side are more than in the city. Myanmar is an agricultural country. The major product is rice, which is most grown.

We also grow other crops like sesame, my country essay, beans, cotton and corn. They are mostly grown in the Ayeyarwaddy Delta, where abounds in good farming land. The fissure is also an important business and it exports fishes, prawns and other marine foods.

In addition, Myanmar is rich in natural resources. And it produces many expensive stones and gems such as ruby, sapphire, pearl, jade and so on. Besides, marbles, topazes and amethysts of Myanmar are well-qualified so they profit foreign earnings. Nay Pyi Taw is the capital city of Myanmar. Yangon is the commercial city, the last capital and also the gateway to Myanmar. Mandalay and Bagan are the ancient city of Myanmar Kings.

There are twelve months in Myanmar calendar and each month has own seasonal and cultural festivals. Those festivals show not only the beauty of Myanmar traditional customs but also the faiths and the innocence of Myanmar people.

Myanmar is full of attractive and interesting places the whole country. Shwe Dagon Pagoda, Maha Muni Pagoda, Kyaik Htee My country essay Pagoda and Uppatathanti Pagoda are the most prominent and magnificent pagodas in Myanmar. In Bagan, there are many historic pagodas in which the architectures are very wonderful. Besides, Mandalay is famous for its culture and handicrafts of Myanmar traditional. Popa, an extinct volcano, is also a unique place for those who would like to enjoy half a day hiking and trekking the mountain.

Inle Lake, one of the main tourist attractions, is also famous for its leg-rowers, as well as, its floating villages, islands where a variety of vegetables are grown, my country essay the floating markets where regional products are sold.

The long, sandy and unspoilt beach my country essay where one can study marine life and eat the fresh and delicious sea foods are also famous. Of them all, Chaungthar is the most popular beach. But, no other beach in Myanmar is as beautiful as Ngapali. In my opinion, there is no country in the world is as beautiful as Myanmar. The hospitality of its people is a proof that Myanmar people are helpful to the others. So, my country essay, I adore my country and I am very proud of being a citizen of Myanmar.

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My Country Poem - Words | Bartleby

my country essay

My Country Essay Essay on My Country -Introduction: With the passage of time and a century every nation” changes to some extent. The country achieves success or makes itself developed through working hard in a very much planned and practical way. Coping with time and century, we have already entered a new millennium Jul 20,  · My country Essay Here at Takshila Learning, we provide School Online Classes from Preschool to Class 12 for all subjects. We provide the best online tuition classes for Class 1 to 12th Class and other classes that comprise Animated Video lectures and Live Online Classes that will help students to grasp concepts easily "My country" is an iconic poem about Australia written by a year-old Dorothea Mackellar. Dorothea uses Imagery, personification, juxtaposition, and alliteration, these poetic devices allow Dorothea to depict the beauty and terror of Australia and show how they are both beautiful in their own way

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