Thursday, May 20, 2021

Water a precious resource essay

Water a precious resource essay

water a precious resource essay

Water has become a highly precious resource. There are some places in the world where a barrel of water costs more than a barrel of oil. Grave fact is that in whole world, one billion people lack safe water and three billions are lacking sanitation, eighty percent of infectious diseases are waterborne, killing millions of children each year and our country is one of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Why water is a precious resource essay for essay about social media sites. With leaded gasoline. Send the story events with a sense of the wonder of creation. Such comments would fall on deaf ears; and that students work in dangerous war zones during his lifetime generation. There will be announced on 12 october  · Water is an essential ingredient for life and may be the most precious resource the earth has to offer humanity. Many believe, however, that this valuable commodity is in danger as a result of man-made pollution. Through disrespect, shortsightedness and neglect, the species may be compromising its own survival unless there is significant improvement in water quality

Water – a Precious Resource Under Threat: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Resources are defined as a means of meeting a need, particularly an economic or social need, of the people. The term usually refers to natural resources like land, waterair. Natural resources are largely unchanged materials of the land that are valuable to people and used in variety of ways. Pakistan is rich in natural resources.

It has mountains, plains, deserts, fertile soils, rivers and oceans. Natural Resources are very important for the development and prosperity of a country. The important thing is to utilize them for the welfare of the human beings and development of the country economically because the progress of a country totally water a precious resource essay upon the utilization of the available resources. The important natural resources are described as under: 1. Soil The Soil of Pakistan belongs to dry group having high calcium carbonate and content and deficient in organic matter.

These vary in colour from reddish brown in the north to red or gray in the south. These soils are generally fertile water a precious resource essay to process of formation. The newly deposited alluvium near the river is called Khaddar and mostly consists of sand. The old alluvium of the bar uplands, called Bangar, consists of finer particles — loams.

At the foot of the mountains the soil is sandy and generally becomes finer towards the plains where Water is an essential ingredient for life and may be the most precious resource the earth has to offer humanity.

Many believe, however, that this valuable commodity is in danger as a result of man-made pollution. Through disrespect, shortsightedness and neglect, the species may be compromising its own survival unless there is significant improvement in water quality and management.

The purpose of this paper will be to discuss water and its pollution through the various contaminants found in domestic, agricultural and industrial uses, water a precious resource essay. In addition, a review of the legal issues and current methods of water treatment and purification will be included.

All the fresh water in the world's lakes, water a precious resource essay, streams and rivers equals less than. The system is continually replenished by rainfall and water vapor from the atmosphere in the form of rain or snow. Today, however, much of this water supply is contaminated on the way down to the ground by gases and particles that mankind introduces into the air Further, fresh water is constantly moving towards the ocean and in so doing picks up other particles and dissolved matter--organic and inorganic waste.

Where the population density is low, the waste can be degraded by microbes through a process known as self-purification. However, where Abstract Watera basis of survival of all living organisms is also considered as the basic pre-requisite of development. Being second richest country in water resourcesNepal is gifted by Himalayan ranges in the north with ever flowing snow melted rivers and fresh water springs with huge power of producing energy and fetch out drinking water to the people, water a precious resource essay.

Similarly, no any economic as well as socioeconomic developments are possible without availability of water. But still most of Nepalese are out of reach easy access to drinking watermost farmers depend upon rain water for agriculture and water resources in urban are affected by pollution too.

And in such condition it is difficult to review a well developed and prosperous nation which is under scarce of drinking water and for irrigating land. But, equal distribution of watersustainable utilization water and conservation of water source are the steps ahead which can solve the problem of water scarce. And these steps must be initiated by every family member, farmers and community They are unique and unlike any other ecosystem.

They are in fact crucial to the global ecosystem and vital to human existence. Beyond compare as it relates to their biological diversity, tropical rainforests are a natural reservoir of genetic diversity which offers a rich source of medicinal plants, high-yield foods, and a myriad of other useful forest products. Rainforest are a significant environment for animals that move seasonally and sustain as much as 50 percent of the species on Earth, in addition to a number of varied and unique indigenous cultures.

Tropical rainforests also play key roles in regulating climate change as well as maintaining regular rainfall, water a precious resource essay, while buffering against floods, water a precious resource essay, droughts, and erosion. They store vast quantities of carbon, while producing a significant amount of the world's oxygen Butler, Rhett, Agricultural use of some rainforest land proves to be a failure because of the nutrient-deficient, acidic soils of these forests.

Impacts on the rainforest associated with agriculture are the practice of slash and burn. Slash and burn is a form of farming that requires an area of the forest to be cleared.

Instead of being responsibility to the natural world to take care of our natural resources. If our natural resources fail, we will in turn have failed our decedents by leaving behind a life that is harder to live. Imagine that water is limited to the point that there is only one source on the planet. Imagine that the air is full of pollutants because trees are almost extinct. What kind of future do we want to leave our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids?

The future of our fresh water supply is beginning to become a concern that water a precious resource essay not addressed could become a global issue. With the rate of use and consumption on the rise, as global population increases, we need to be aware of what the dangers could be if we do not slow down. While consumption is a concern on the radar, the effect that water supplies drying up will more likely take a toll on the wild life.

When water decreases due to water a precious resource essay tables that are unable to replenish quick enough, fish and other animals that depend on fish for food, will be affected. Brian Richter of Uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household and recreational activities. The majority of human uses require fresh water. The remaining unfrozen fresh water is found mainly as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground or in the air. Sources of fresh water Rain Water Rain is the prime source of all water.

A part of the rainwater sinks into the ground to form ground water ; part of it evaporates back into atmosphere, and some runs off to form streams and rivers which flow ultimately into the sea. Some of the water in the soil is taken up by the plants and is evaporated in turn by the leaves. These events are spoken of as " water cycle". Rain water is the purest form of water. Surface Water Surface water is water in a river, lake or fresh water wetland. Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to the Write a 1, to 1,word paper on water a precious resource essay resources and energy.

Include the following: Choose a specific ecosystem, such as a forest, grassland, or a marine or freshwater aquatic ecosystem. Identify impacts associated with agriculture. Discuss one management practice for sustainability and conservation of natural resources in that ecosystem. Identify the risks and benefits of extracting water a precious resource essay using one type of nonrenewable and one type of renewable energy resource from that ecosystem, or in areas near that ecosystem.

Assess management practices for sustainability and conservation of natural resources and energy. Include two outside references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, water a precious resource essay. Forests conversion involves removing natural forests to meet other land needs, such as plantations, agriculture, pasture for cattle settlements, and mining. Unfortunately after the process of farming is complete the outcome is irreversible.

The outcome is irreversible since deforesting land for farming; the soil is depleted of its nutrients. As the population grows more and more lands are being stripped to provide wood and land use for agriculture. One management Every individual has responsibility to use natural resources judiciously. This will give equal opportunity to all to use the resources for the benefit of mankind. One should not be selfish to spend the available resources without thinking of other fellow beings, water a precious resource essay.

There is no limit to spend natural resources if available plenty but at the same time one should realize that natural resources are non-renewable sources. The future also depends on water a precious resource essay resources, water a precious resource essay. Every individual should think himself or herself as a world think himself or himself as a world citizen. The whole world is a family and all are inter-dependant for a better life.

The mother earth has given enough for all to satisfy minimum wants but not enough to utilize. Every individual has a role in the conservation of natural resource like in using water electricity woods, foods etc. water is life and every drop is precious similarly every chemical power saved is like it is produced. Woods should be used so has not to destroy the forest procurement of more food than needed is like putting other starving.

Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles. Everyone has the right to live in this world. All living creatures belong to mother earth and they all have their shine of resources available. Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Water- a Natural Resource. Water- a Natural Resource Topics: OrganismLifeBiology Pages: 2 words Published: May 2, water a precious resource essay, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

Water a precious resource essay May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Natural Resources Essay Read More, water a precious resource essay.

Water: The Precious Resource

, time: 7:04

Water Is Precious, Essay Sample

water a precious resource essay

No water is anything click here everyone enjoys a precious commodity. Sodden papers; take water conservation and use our daily, minerals and life resource surveys of 'water is precious resource. Privatization of us to our future generations, use of. Uploaded by samar choudhury category: short description water. Water is the most precious resource essay Water is a precious resource. We can’t live without it. If you look at a map of the world you will see that much of our planet is covered in water. Our oceans are not the only source of water. Water is also present under the ground and as vapor in the air Water has become a highly precious resource. There are some places in the world where a barrel of water costs more than a barrel of oil. Grave fact is that in whole world, one billion people lack safe water and three billions are lacking sanitation, eighty percent of infectious diseases are waterborne, killing millions of children each year and our country is one of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

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