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Every single children or teenagers deserve to get this precious chance and normally a person studies in his whole life and there is no limit for us to study about everything, pmr essay. But in my lovely country Malaysia, we have a rule which states that every child must go to school from the ages of seven years old until seventeen years old in order to produce a lot of successors who will lead our country in the future.
Nowadays, so many students archive to obtain brilliant result and the chance to be the best among the best becomes harder and harder.
Even a genius student finds its tough to get a great job or a place in any university if he is not good in sport. The pmr essay alternative to solve this critical matter is by involving in cocurriculum pmr essay such as the sports day. Pmr essay sports day, which is an annual activity, has a lot of benefits even though most of the students dont enjoy it so much.
My beloved school, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ghafar Baba also never neglects this compulsory activity. I am pretty sure that everybody has an experience in sports day. Now I still remember everything about the amazing day. A month before the annual sports day, our schools management had planned carefully any single thing about our sports day. Puan Sahara, who is my favaorite teacher, was the one behind all of these things as she made a superb excellent preparation for sports day.
She and the other teachers had decorated and organized our sports day with flying colours. During that day, we had to gather around at the huge school field. The scenery was so incredible.
I also lent my hands to the teachers to build many giants tents. Everything was decorated with balloons, flags and colouful pmr essay. Everybody felt so anxious like having a butterfly in their stomach to see which team will win this sports day, pmr essay.
I really hoped that my team, pmr essay, which is Pendekar, will win. The sports day started at seven oclock in the morning with the marching parade of all houses.
This exciting event took an hour to be finished but I felt it just happened in a flash. Sadly, I did not take part in this opening event. After that, Puan Hajah Nubah bt Aton, who is my principal, gave her speech to the students and parents who were attending the sports day.
As usual, her speech was so long and full of information. Previously, my team, Pendekar, won the marching event and I felt very happy as a king. Then, the metres race started before the metres and meters.
In the meters, Ali who is my best friend also took part in this game representing his team, Pmr essay. The situation was as noisy as everybody cheered for their team. My team was pmr essay to win this event because we had Satria who is a state-level runner.
Surprisingly, pmr essay, our traditionally competitor, the Perwira House won this event and continuously conquering the next events. Their runner, Bill who pmr essay a form one student, was the giant killer and a potential runner was born. The most memorable event was the rope pulling event and I loved it so much. Everybody cheered up and supported his own team.
Luckily, pmr essay, my team won the legendary event after a tight match with pmr essay Perkasa House. Unfortunately, a fat contestant who represented the Perwira House had fainted as he might get a serious dizzy after the event. There was a chaos and everyone felt so panic.
But my principal quickly solved this problem by sending the fainted contestant to the nearest hospital as fast as lightning. Later, there was the prize giving event which was held at our schools hall. All of the excellent athletes who won the events looked very happy and cheerful although some of the others were crying sadly for their lost.
Fortunately, my team, Pendekar won this sports day gloriously. We felt as happy as a lark and our teachers praised us for our hard works, pmr essay. After that, everyone was forced to clean the school compound together, pmr essay.
Although I felt so tired, I was so satisfied and I will never forget this unforgettable day. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. en Change Language close menu Language English selected español português Deutsch français Русский italiano român Bahasa Indonesia Learn more. User Settings. close menu Welcome to Scribd! Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Books Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet Music Documents selected Snapshots. PMR essay sample entitled A school sport day.
Uploaded by Nur Solehah, pmr essay. Document Information click to expand document information Description: This essay is one of the examples of PMR examination question sample, pmr essay. It tell about how the student can develop the body of the essay.
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