Sample Essay on Personality Tests - Essay Writing Help · Personality Test Essay I gained a lot from taking this personality test, not that I learned something new or interesting about myself just that I was able to see how easy it is for others to pin-point me to a characteristic. My results in my opinion are a exact match A Reflection of My Personality Test PAGES 3. WORDS View Full Essay. About this essay More essays like this: Not sure what I'd do without @Kibin - Alfredo Alvarez, student @ Miami University. The example essays in Kibin's library were written by real students for real classes. To protect the anonymity of contributors, we've removed
Personality Test - Words | Essay Example
Personality is generally understood personality test essay a collection of emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns unique to a person, that is consistent over time. A variety of methods have been personality test essay to assess personality differences and characteristics, based on various approaches to the nature of personality. While none is a complete description of human personality, many tests have proven useful in specific applications, such as interviewing prospective employees, through focusing on the attributes important for the particular situation.
Through this use, a good fit can be found between an individual and what they will be called on to accomplish, thus benefiting both the individual personality test essay the whole purpose that they are serving, personality test essay. As the field of psychology developed so did both theories of personality and the methods to assess personality differences. A wide range of personality tests are available for use, for a variety of purposes, in different situations.
The first personality test was the Woodworth Personal Data Sheet first used in It was designed to help the United States Army screen out recruits who might be susceptible to shell shock, personality test essay.
Some of the most commonly used personality tests are:. Projective tests Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MBTI Keirsey Temperament Sorter Enneagram DISC Profile Big Five Personality Traits Projective tests. A projective test is one in which the person is asked to respond to ambiguous stimuli in order to reveal hidden emotions and internal conflicts. The two most well-known and often used projective tests are the Rorschach inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test TAT.
Rorschach inkblot test. Thematic Apperception Test. The Thematic Apperception Test TAT was commissioned by the Office of Strategic Services O. in personality test essay s, to identify personalities that might be susceptible to being turned by enemy intelligence. American psychologists Henry Murray and Christiana D.
Morgan at Harvard were responsible for developing the TAT test, personality test essay. They explored the underlying dynamics of personality, such as internal conflicts, dominant drives and interests, and motives. Specifically, the test assesses motives, including needs for achievement, power, intimacy, and problem-solving abilities.
The TAT uses a standard series of 31 provocative yet ambiguous pictures about which the subject must tell a story. A subject is asked questions such as: What dialogue might be carried on between characters?
Personality test essay can respond orally or in writing and there are specific subsets of pictures for boys, girls, men, and women. The TAT is a projective test in that, like the Rorschach inkblot test, its assessment of the subject is based on personality test essay he or she projects onto the ambiguous images. After World War II, the TAT was adopted more broadly by psychoanalysts and clinicians to evaluate emotionally disturbed patients.
Later, in the s, the Human Potential Movement encouraged psychologists to use the TAT to help their personality test essay understand themselves better and stimulate personal growth. Today, the TAT is widely used as a tool for research in areas of psychology such as dreams, fantasies, mate selection, and what motivates people to choose their occupation, personality test essay.
Sometimes it is used in a psychiatric context to assess disordered thinking, in forensic examinations to evaluate crime suspects or to screen candidates for high-stress occupations. The TAT has been criticized for a number of reasons. It is not administered in a standardized way, and because it is challenging to standardize interpretation of the stories it produces. A scoring system for analysis was created by David McClelland in an attempt to introduce more rigor. The 31 standard pictures have been criticized as personality test essay in tone and therefore tending to limit the range of personality characteristics that the TAT can explore.
Research has shown that factors including race, gender, and social class of both examiners and subjects influence the stories told and how they are interpreted. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMPI was published in as a way to aid in assessing psychopathology in a clinical setting. It is the most frequently used personality test in the mental health field.
This assessment was designed to help identify personal, social, and behavioral problems in psychiatric patients. The results from this test provide relevant information to aid in problem identification, diagnosis, and treatment planning for patients. The test has also been used for job screening and other non-clinical assessments, which is considered controversial and is in some cases illegal. History and use.
Personality test essay original MMPI was developed at the University of Minnesota Hospitals and first published in The original authors of the MMPI were Starke R. Hathaway, PhD, and J. McKinley, MD, personality test essay.
The MMPI is copyrighted and is a trademark of the University of Minnesota. Clinicians must pay a fee each time it is administered. The standardized version for adults 18 and over, personality test essay, the MMPI-2, was released inwith a subsequent revision of certain test elements in early The MMPI-2 has items, or questions, and takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes to complete.
There is a short form of the test that is comprised of the first items on the long-form MMPI There is also a version of the inventory for adolescents aged 14 to 18, the MMPI-A. The MMPI has been used for a range of assessments:. Criminal Justice and Corrections Evaluation of disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression and schizophrenia Identification of personality test essay candidates for high-risk public safety positions such as nuclear power plant workers, police officers, airline pilots, medical and psychology students, firefighters, and seminary students Assessment of medical patients and design of effective treatment strategies, including chronic pain management Evaluation of participants in substance abuse programs.
Support for college and career counseling Marriage and family counseling Criticism and controversy. Other personality tests, like the Rorschach inkblot test and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, have come under fire more often than MMPI. Still, critics have raised issues about the ethics and validity of administering MMPI, especially for non-clinical uses. By the s, the MMPI was being given by companies to employees and applicants as often as to psychiatric patients. Sociologist William H.
A Office of Technology Assessment report noted: In the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, chaired by Senator Sam Ervin, and the House Special Subcommittee on Invasion of Privacy of the Committee on Government Operations, chaired by Representative Cornelius Personality test essay. The Subcommittees also investigated the validity of these tests and the due process issues involved in test administration.
The reactions of the press and public were very critical of the types of questions asked on these psychological tests. Numerous successful lawsuits have argued that giving personality test essay test to job applicants is an invasion of privacy, and that there is no evidence linking test results to job performance.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Main article: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI was designed to assist a person in identifying their personality preferences. It was developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers during World War II, and follows from the theories of Carl Jung as laid out in his work Psychological Types.
The registered trademark rights in the phrase and its acronym have been assigned from the publisher of the test, personality test essay, Consulting Psychologists Press Inc. The test is frequently used in the areas of pedagogy, group dynamics, employee training, leadership training, marriage counseling, personality test essay, and personal development, although scientific skeptics and academic psychologists have subjected it to considerable criticism in research literature.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is a personality instrument which attempts to identify which of four personality test essay, and which of 16 types, a person prefers. These were sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholic. InDavid Keirsey and Marilyn Bates, in the book Please Understand Me, reintroduced temperament theory in modern form. Their greatest strength is tactical intelligence, which means that they excel at acting, composing, producing, and motivating.
Guardians SJs seek membership or belonging and are concerned with responsibility and duty. Their greatest strength is logistical intelligence, which means that they excel at organizing, facilitating, checking, and supporting. Idealists NFs seek meaning and significance and are concerned with finding their own unique identity, personality test essay.
Their greatest strength is diplomatic intelligence, which means that they excel at clarifying, personality test essay, unifying, individualizing, and inspiring. Rationals NTs seek mastery and self-control and are concerned with their own knowledge and competence. Their greatest strength is strategic intelligence, which means that they excel at engineering, conceptualizing, theorizing, and coordinating.
The chart below compares modern and ancient aspects of the model:. Personality test. Accessed May 19, Personality test Categories: Personality Psychology. Download paper. Essay, Pages 7 words. Get a verified writer to help you with Personality test. Top Writers. Verified expert. Cite this page Personality test. Related Essays. Test for Reducing Sugars Benedict's Test Pages: 5 words Unit Test Unit Test Review Pages: 3 words Disc Personality Test Pages: 5 words What are the Big Five Personality Test Traits?
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Personality Test: What Do You See First and What It Reveals About You
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· Personality Testing Has Been Used by a. Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. Personality testing has been used by a number of organizations for varying purposes, and most A Reflection of My Personality Test PAGES 3. WORDS View Full Essay. About this essay More essays like this: Not sure what I'd do without @Kibin - Alfredo Alvarez, student @ Miami University. The example essays in Kibin's library were written by real students for real classes. To protect the anonymity of contributors, we've removed · Personality testing is a technique applied in measuring a person’s character or persona. The technique is believed to provide accurate and consistent results. Personality, therefore, refers to traits assessed informally and applied to describe an blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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