Thursday, May 20, 2021

Money can buy happiness essay

Money can buy happiness essay

money can buy happiness essay

 · Money can buy comfort and various kinds of security, but it cannot buy happiness. In fact, it seems that "happiness" can't even be defined, much less purchased. One Can Money Buy Happiness? In “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, Mathilde Loisel lives a middle class life with her husband, who is a clerk. She is unhappy about how average she thinks her life is and heavily desires the fulfillment money can bring her  · Money is indeed capable of solving financial problems, but when it comes to finding true happiness in life, this becomes a different case. In fact, money can buy all the tangible things that are bound to bring happiness in one’s life, but we tend to forget that happiness comes naturally by itself

Can Money Buy Happiness - Words | Bartleby

Happiness is a desirable characteristic to every individual who desires to live an untroubled and settled life. The extents that some individuals go in vain efforts to be joyful are at times amazing.

Most particularly, a majority of young men and women today have got the wrong idea of happiness. This is evidenced by their frantic efforts to look for happiness in harmful habits such as indulging in drugs, imprudent sexual activity and other popular but equally disgusting habits. This paper will illustrate that happiness in life is not found in money or any material thing. It will base its argument on E.

Since time immemorial, money has been considered as the ultimate solution to almost all the problems in life. It is astounding that an overwhelming number of people in the world continue to put their trust in money, even as they see it ruin the lives of several others.

Money is indeed capable of solving financial problems, but when it comes to finding true happiness in life, this becomes a different case. Just the way it is impossible to make seeds grow on unfertile sandy soil, happiness cannot be planted in a heart wasted by the money can buy happiness essay and gloom of this life. Such efforts will be to no avail. The much one can achieve in such an instance is temporary, short-lived and superficial happiness that will disappear once the individual becomes aware of the storms of life that he or she is going through.

For Richard Cory to take such a drastic measure as putting a bullet into his head, he must have been holding onto circumstances and people that hurt him in the past Robinson Given that the scars caused by unbearable events and people in our hearts may take a really long time to heal, one may have to wait for even a decade or two in order to finally get the happiness he or she needs so bad.

In order money can buy happiness essay rejoice in life, it is advisable that people learn to let go of all the pain and disappointment that they have suffered at one point in their lives.

Holding onto them will assuredly have an inhibitory effect on the manifestation of true happiness in their lives. This is quite appalling, money can buy happiness essay, as one would think that with all the money that this people have, they certainly have access to anything that they could ever dream of.

On the contrary, it should not be forgotten that money itself can money can buy happiness essay a perfect object of torment if mishandled Layard This is what happens to people who give so much extra attention to their money that they tend to overlook people that care about them and other sectors of their lives. It is a common thing to come across a man who has toiled all his years to make a lot of money only to end up with a broken family that will cost him his happiness.

A far more serious and ironical case is that of a man who strains to accumulate a lot wealth by his side and then ends up spending the better part of it trying to get back his deteriorated health.

A lifelong study conducted on a number of healthy and initially happy men from their youth to old age has revealed that misfortunes that take away happiness in life are inevitable. Life is full of uncertainties, and anything can happen to anyone at any time. A misfortune always leaves behind a trail of marks that will remind the victims of what befell them at one stage in life.

The overwhelming amount of money that one may have will never be sufficient to get rid of agonizing memories and prevent the reoccurrence of the same. True happiness in life comes with having trustful, honest and loving people around a person. In money can buy happiness essay, once is considered lucky to have any such person.

Money cannot guarantee any parent that money can buy happiness essay child will be born without a deformity. The list is endless. A person may have a beautiful palace for a home, a fleet of cars, a decent job and a booming business but lack good-natured people who love him who he is and not because of his money.

Nevertheless, there are also some relatively good things that money can achieve. However significant they may be, they are nothing compared to being happy in life. One of the things that one can achieve by having a lot of money is respect in society. Rich people such as Richard Cory are normally treated with high regard.

A keen observer may notice that these rich people are equally lacking what other people have; happiness. Just like it was with Richard Cory, a person may be outwardly rich and doing well on the outside but dying on the inside. Prior to his death, no one would have believed that Richard Cory was leading a miserable life. All the respect that people had bestowed upon him did not count for anything.

As a matter of fact, the much it could do was to mask his face with vague happiness. From the above discussion, it is clear that although money is an important thing money can buy happiness essay everyday life, there comes a time when its purchasing power loses meaning. It can also be discerned from the foregoing money can buy happiness essay there is more to happiness than money. One needs not to have money in order to be happy. Happiness comes from the heart.

Moreover, they are the wonderful people and stress-free conditions that will guarantee happiness to an individual. It is also advisable not to spend a lot of time making money at the expense of happiness, money can buy happiness essay. Finally, prudent handling of money is necessary, as money can also be a tool that deprives people of their happiness. In summary, money does not certainly buy happiness.

Layard, Richard. Happiness: Lessons from a new science. New York: Penguin Press, Myers, David. The pursuit of happiness: Who is happy and why? New York: Morrow, money can buy happiness essay, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a citation style:. Money And happiness. Table of Contents. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Money And happiness specifically for you!

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Can Money Buy Happiness?

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Can money buy happiness Free Essay Example

money can buy happiness essay

The money can buy happiness argumentative essay shows us how different factors are at play before we can be happy and how money is valuable to that process. Can Money Buy Happiness Essay brings out the issues that affect the society in general. It offers an explanation as to why people commit the various social sins  · Money is indeed capable of solving financial problems, but when it comes to finding true happiness in life, this becomes a different case. In fact, money can buy all the tangible things that are bound to bring happiness in one’s life, but we tend to forget that happiness comes naturally by itself  · Happiness is a hard word to define. Everyone has different viewpoints on happiness from their own past actions. People would say money can buy you happiness because with that money you’d be able to afford those shoes you want or the trip you’ve been dying to take. Some say money gives you strength, power, clout, and all other abilities, while on the other hand, some disagree

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