Jul 22, · Drug and Alcohol Abuse Analytical Essay Introduction. For along time now, drug and alcohol abuse in the society has been a problem that affects the youth and Conclusion. Drug and alcohol abuse among the youth in the society should be discouraged and voided at all costs. Works Cited. The Large-scale survey studies have found an association between prior alcohol abuse and an increased risk of violence against others generally, and intimate partner violence, child abuse and child neglect. in a multicity case-control study, persons who committed suicide were more likely to have had alcohol-related trouble at work or hospitalizations for complications of Alcohol Abuse Essay. Words5 Pages. Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in the United States. Although the consumption of alcohol by itself is not a social problem, the continuous and excessive use of alcohol can become problematic. There are four symptoms associated with alcohol dependence which are craving, loss of control, physical dependence, and tolerance. million People, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse
Essays on Alcohol Abuse. Essay topics and examples of research paper about Alcohol Abuse
For along time now, drug and alcohol abuse in the society has been a problem that affects the youth and the society at large.
The youth in the society get engaged in abusing substances that they feel all help them forget their problems. This paper highlights the problems of drug abuse and alcohol drinking among the youth in the society.
Alcohol is a substance that contains some elements that are bring about physical and psychological changes to an individual. Being a depressant, alcohol affects the nervous system altering the emotions and perceptions of individuals. Many teenager abuse alcohol and other drug substances due to curiosity, the need to feel good and to fit in their different groups. Drinking alcohol should not be encouraged because it usually affects the health of the youth. It puts their health at a risk.
Drinking youth are more likely to engage in irresponsible sexual activities that may result in unexpected pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, essays on alcohol abuse, teenagers who drink are more likely to essays on alcohol abuse fat while complicating further their health conditions.
Moreover, the youth drinking are at a risk of engaging in criminal activities hence being arrested Cartwright According to the Australian Psychological Society, a drug can be a substance that brings about physical or psychological changes to an individual 2.
Youngsters in the in the community take stuffs to increase enjoyment or decrease the sensational or physical pain. Some of the abused drugs by the youth in the society include marijuana, essays on alcohol abuse, alcohol, heroine and cocaine.
The dangers of drug abuse are the chronic intoxication of the youth that is detrimental to their societies. Much intake of drugs leads to addiction that is indicated by the desire to take the drugs that cannot be resisted.
The effect of alcohol and other hard drugs are direct on the central nervous system. Alcohol and drug abuse is linked to societal practices like, partying, essays on alcohol abuse, societal events, entertainment, and spirituality. The Australian Psychological Society argues that the choice of a substance is influenced by the particular needs of the substance user 3.
However, the effects of drug abuse differ from one individual to another. The abuse of drugs becomes a social problem whenever the users fail to meet essays on alcohol abuse social responsibilities at home, work, or school. This is usually the effect when the substances are used more than they are normally taken.
Additionally, when the use of substances is addictive, it leads to social problems Cartwright Drug and alcohol abuse among the youth in the society should be discouraged and voided at all costs. The youth are affected and the society is affected. The productive young men and women cannot perform their social duties. One way in which the abuse of drugs and alcohol can be avoided in the society is through engaging the youth in various productive activities.
This will reduce their idle time while keeping them busy Cartwright They will not have enough time for drinking. Additionally, they will have fewer problems to worry about. They should also be educated and warned about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse both to their health and to the society, essays on alcohol abuse. Since alcohol and substance abuse is related to increased crime in the society, its reduction will lead to reduced crime rates and economic growth.
The Australian Psychological Society, Alcohol, and Other Drugs. Australian Psychological society. Cartwright, William. Costs of Drug Abuse to the Society. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics Need a custom Analytical Essay sample written essays on alcohol abuse scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a citation style:. Drug and Alcohol Abuse. We use essays on alcohol abuse to give you the best experience possible.
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Alcohol Abuse Essay Drinking Alcohol And Alcohol Abuse. Alcohol can be highly addictive and plaguing the lives of alcohol abusers. When The Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse. Every day around the world, people fail to realize the effects alcohol abuse The Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse Large-scale survey studies have found an association between prior alcohol abuse and an increased risk of violence against others generally, and intimate partner violence, child abuse and child neglect. in a multicity case-control study, persons who committed suicide were more likely to have had alcohol-related trouble at work or hospitalizations for complications of Jul 22, · Drug and Alcohol Abuse Analytical Essay Introduction. For along time now, drug and alcohol abuse in the society has been a problem that affects the youth and Conclusion. Drug and alcohol abuse among the youth in the society should be discouraged and voided at all costs. Works Cited. The
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