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Driving age essay

Driving age essay

driving age essay

Essay On Raising The Driving Age Words | 5 Pages. A lot of teens just want a car to drive, they do not really drive the proper way. The driving age should be changed to If the driving age was changed it will only effect the younger drivers as in the 16 year olds. The problem with the current driving age is Raising The Driving Age The current driving age of 16 is implemented in almost every state in the United States. Most states have become accustomed to the current driving age, but recently there are certain states that believe that the legal driving age should be raised due to various reasons. The main argument for most states is that 16 year olds are not mature enough and lack the Aug 02,  · Essay Sample: Earning a driver's license is a most important event for most young Americans. Sixteen is the minimum age at which Indiana teenagers can Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

Driving Age Free Essay Sample

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Driving Age — Argumentative Points on Why the Driving Age Should Be Raised. Many driving age essay have the minimum age requirement lower than eighteen, driving age essay.

However, some states have raised the required age to eighteen. A permit allows new drivers to learn how to drive safely on their own. The time period one must drive with a permit depends on the state but, usually only a matter of months is required. If the permit is held responsible and no violations are obtained during this period, the driver is then eligible to take the exam to become a licensed driver. To fully understand this debate, it is important to describe both sides of the argument.

For those against raising the driving age they have many reasons as to why. When located in a rural area, transportation can be hard to come by easily. Train stations and busses are less common, making the way to commute mainly being in cars. After many years of being their chauffeur, driving age essay, parents claim their teen having the ability to drive is a convenience to both their child and driving age essay. If the child is attending school and is also employed then this makes the ability to drive all the more important.

It is important that kids learn responsibility at some point. Those against raising the age also argue every person is different, that no two minds are the same. There are some teenagers who are more mentally developed than others. Those that support the driving age being raised also have reasons as to why. Allowing teens to obtain a license brings many serious responsibilities and gives them the capability of facing deathly consequences which can driving age essay drastically change or take away their driving age essay. Facing these serious potential situations one needs maturity so they can handle driving correctly and safely.

Teens are also in the most social stage of their life, more than any other age group. Point being they will have many distractions including loud music and over packed cars making them a hazard to everyone riding in that car and the other driving age essay on the road.

Teens are also more likely to be careless. They think that one text is worth risking an accident or getting to work on time is more important than safety. For a teenager, driving age essay, a seatbelt may be seen as an annoyance other than a safety necessity. All of these tendencies back up the actions caused by their underdeveloped mentalities. The leading cause of death for teenagers is car crashes.

When a teenager is killed in an accident the community acknowledges and mourns the tragedy. To what extreme do the numbers of teen fatalities need to reach to bring about action? Although the opposing side has more reasons, it is tragic to think that the benefits driving age essay teens driving override the negatives it comes with.

Convenience does not override life, driving age essay. When looking at the issues the new regulation could bring, it definitely is worth prolonging the lives of teens across the country. The time has come that the people stand up and make a change because the more time passes, the more deaths accumulate.

If we keep ignoring the obvious solution to lowering teen deaths, driving age essay, then we are letting down humanity. Technically a teenager is anyone nineteen and younger. I definitely need to research more about how teens are mentally underdeveloped. With more research I can connect the dangers being caused my mental underdevelopment.

I need to look up statistics of teen deaths. Those statistics will make my argument stronger. This can not only appeal to logos, but also pathos too, driving age essay. Pathos because it will really make the reader understand how truly sad all these deaths are, specifically, deaths of teens per year in the United States from automobile collisions.

I also need to find out the ranges of ages states allow licenses and permits instead of just stating they vary. Maybe the states with higher ages have proven to create safer roads with less accidents. Maybe those have been helpful with lowering fatal car crashes. It could connect with my counter argument to make roads safer and for those that driving age essay against raising the driving age, driving age essay.

I need to research more about the underdeveloped brain a teenager holds. What does this part of the brain have to do with driving? I also need to know if there are more reasons why people are for raising the age.

For now, I only have that teens are too immature mentally and emotionally so they cause accidents and a lot of the times, death. I also would like to include my story of a horrific accident that my sister and I went through caused by us. My sister now has to live with scars on her face from two hundred and eighty six stitches surgically applied that night of the accident.

This goes beyond noise from the packed car too. Teenagers care about what others think of them so they try to hold these high expectations and show off to impress their peers. Meaning if all friends egg on the driver to do a no stop or speed at an unbelievably high rate then the teens most likely will. With them being in the most social stage they also are most likely attending social gatherings or parties.

Older age groups have distractions like children but, they know how to prioritize the distractions while driving. For example, if a child is screaming for their bottle they have dropped a parent would pull over instead of reaching for it while driving so they have full attention on the road.

Teens are well technically equipped nowadays with electronics. This also includes texting. More experienced drivers know what distractions can cause an accident so they avoid them until it is safe to address the disturbance.

With the little experience a distraction becomes dangerous. Bikes are a great form of driving age essay and jobs close driving age essay home can be easily reached on one.

If there are no jobs in town if the teen is that determined to work they can do the old fashioned way of knocking door to door to mow, shovel, etc. Teenagers could always make parents a temporary ride to work until they find a coworker willing to pick them up and drop them off after their shifts, which, of course, may cost the teenager some money, driving age essay.

Argumentative Point 3 No two minds are the same, driving age essay. Auto insurances drop your rate at twenty five. You can rent a car at twenty five. Twenty five, being the age one is mentally mature, changed other things such as the two I listed. Twenty five would be too old to learn how to drive but, 18 is much closer to full mental potential than 2 years prior. Argumentative Point 4 If all these children have passed the curriculum and tests needed to drive then their accidents are caused by lack of experience and not underdeveloped mentalities.

I agree lack of driving age essay does play a role in this but, we all can agree one acts differently when being watched. If we were to leave the permit age at fifteen or sixteen, depending on the state, then that teen would have years of being watched as a driver. They would practice no texting, no speeding, etc. for whole years. This gives them experience so those worried about the statistics of fatalities only going up a year can be at ease. Teens would have years of experience with no bad habits, driving age essay.

Of Course they could throw it all out the window once they get that freedom. But, much more unlikely than now where a teen is supervised for a set of months and then handed freedom which is their time to gain experience. Why not gain experience the right way? Being supervised. So they are usually drinking in hidden locations meaning, not in public at a bar. Most parents disapprove of their teenager drinking so there goes their ride of a designated driver.

The most logical idea in their head is that shiny metal in their hand, their keys, driving age essay. They will think getting home is more important than risking their safety. It means you hold driving age essay only your life but, the other on the roads lives in your hands. That is one big powerful card to be entitled to.

Refutation: By raising the license age and keeping the permit age unchanged then there would be a larger gap of a student driver with a permit. Also eighteen year olds think differently than two years prior and will be in different social stage and place in life. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website.

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com uses cookies. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Argumentative Points on Why the Driving Age Should Be Raised Category: LifeEducationSocial Issues Subcategory: ExperienceLearningProblems with Driving Topic: Driving AgeResearchTeen Driving Pages: 5 Words: Published: 27 March Downloads: 54 Download Print.

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pros and cons of raising the legal driving age

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The Driving Age In Tennessee Essay Research Free Essay Sample

driving age essay

Should Driving Age Be 18 Essay; Should Driving Age Be 18 Essay. Words 5 Pages. Francesca Flores blogger.comon English 10 March 16, Cars, what is so good about them? Many people use them as a fast and easy way of transportation, but is there a better way to get from point A to point B? What do people really think about the driving age? Driving a car is a task that should only be taken on by teenagers over the age of eighteen, because they are more responsible and understand the risks involved. In this essay I will explain and give reasons on why I think that the driving age should be raised to be able to get your drivers license at. First Argument Mar 27,  · In the United States the legal age requirement for a driver’s license varies from state to state. Many states have the minimum age requirement lower than eighteen. However, some states have raised the required age to eighteen. Some people argue those states that haven’t raised the age to eighteen are costing too many precious lives

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